Secretary Leavitt Blogs On Indonesian Visit

# 1891



Boy is my face red. 


On Monday, after Secretary Leavitt's meeting with the Indonesian President and Health Minister, I mentioned that I hoped that he would write about it in his blog.   Having said that, I never went back to check to see if he posted on the trip. 


Turns out, he's posted two lengthy and illuminating blogs about his Indonesia trip.    A hat tip to Crof for posting on this, and to Lisa Schnirring for writing it up on CIDRAP.   


Lisa does her usual excellent job summarizing the issues. If you want the overview, click this CIDRAP link.  


But I encourage you to read both blogs in their entirety.    Secretary Leavitt has developed into a superb blogger, with an easy style, and he provides a fascinating inside look at the issues behind public health policy.




Read  Part I of Secretary Leavitt's Indonesian Trip


Read  Part II of Secretary Leavitt's Indonesia Trip

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