Respirology: A Treasure Trove Of Information



# 1844



I've returned from my week-long exile from the Internet.  My car has 2600 more miles on the odometer, my email inbox has 400 new unread messages, and my recently repaired roof leaked in 4 places during my absence.


But it's good to be home.   My thanks to those who inquired about my absence.  I make this week long trek to Missouri to see my Lyme doctor twice each year, and admittedly, it's tough being cut off from the Internet. 


I was able to sneak a peek at the excellent coverage provided by  Crof', Scott, and the Revere's site a couple of times, so I've been well briefed on the news. 


Thanks guys, you made taking a break so much easier.



It isn't unusual for a medical journal to include an article on avian influenza or pandemics.  That happens practically every month.  What is unusual is for a medical journal to produce an issue entirely devoted to pandemic influenza.


The journal  Respirology  has done exactly that.  They've produced a supplementary issue chock full of information on avian flu.   For those unfamiliar with this medical journal, this is how they describe themselves:




Official journal of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.

Edited by:
Philip J. Thompson

Respirology is a journal of international standing, publishing peer-reviewed articles of scientific excellence in clinical and experimental respiratory biology and disease and its related fields of research including thoracic surgery, internal medicine, immunology, intensive and critical care, epidemiology, cell and molecular biology, pathology, pharmacology and physiology.



All of the articles listed below may be freely accessed without a subscription to Respirology.  


I've not had a chance to read this issue yet, but from the looks of the contents, I expect I'll be devoting a good deal of time to it.








INTRODUCTION: Avian influenza: From basic biology to pandemic planning

Li-Cher LOH, David S.-C. HUI AND Richard BEASLEY

pages S1–S1


Global epidemiology of human infections with highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) viruses

Timothy M. UYEKI

pages S2–S9


Review of clinical symptoms and spectrum in humans with influenza A/H5N1 infection

David S.-C. HUI

pages S10–S13


Avian influenza: Update on pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis


pages S14–S18


Update on influenza anti-virals


pages S19–S21


Influenza A/H5N1 infection: Other treatment options and issues

David S.C. HUI

pages S22–S26


Intensive care management of life-threatening avian influenza A (H5N1)

Curtis N. SESSLER AND Nicole D. GRAY

pages S27–S32


Pandemic planning in China: Applying lessons from severe acute respiratory syndrome

Nan-Shan ZHONG AND Guang-Qiao ZENG

pages S33–S35


Response to avian influenza and preparedness for pandemic influenza: Thailand's experience


pages S36–S40


Update on influenza vaccines


pages S41–S43


Pandemic planning: Non-pharmaceutical interventions

Donald E. LOW

pages S44–S48


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