More On The Indonesian Nurse


# 1843


CORRECTION:   While the headline of this news report appeared to state that the Nurse had died, it now appears that isn't true.  Etriani, according to this report, is improving.


My Thanks to Commonground on FT for setting me straight.   In my haste to depart this morning, I'm guilty of drive-by reading.




Yesterday it was reported that a 29 year-old Indonesian nurse had been placed in isolation suspected of having bird flu.  Tests are pending, and as of right now it is unknown if the nurse actually has the H5N1 virus.


Etriani (29) had apparently been caring for two other suspected bird flu patients,  Edi Satria (21) who died last Wednesday, and his sibling Anisa (22 months) who reportedly tested positive for the H5N1 virus yesterday.



Anytime a health care worker contracts bird flu we pay particularly close attention because presumably they had been taking routine precautions against infection.   It is a bit soon to draw any conclusions from this case, however.




A hat tip to Cottontop on the Wiki for this translation.






The nurse was expected by AI Rawat Pasien died

on Monday, March 31 2008 - 12:09 wib
Rus Akbar - Okezone


Padang - Etriani (29), the nurse RSUP Bukittinggi that became the patient was expected by bird flu evidently had treated the patient was expected by the illness that afterwards died, Edi Satria.


Edi Satria (21) died last Wednesday March 19.
His brother, Anisa (33 months) at this time still underwent the maintenance because of being expected by bird flu also.


"Apart from treating Edi Satria, Etriani could also treat Anisa in RSUP Bukittinggi, before being brought to RSUP M. Jamil," said RSUP public relations M. Jamil Irayanti when being met in his office, Street Perintis of Independence, Padang, on Monday (31/3/2008).


Concerning the Anisa condition and Atriani, both of them are currently treated in space of the floor isolation 3, the internal disease part RSUP M. Jamil, Padang, while being waiting for results of the laboratory of Jakarta.


"Anisa and Etriani have begun to improve."


Etriani the temperature and breathless has decreased, whereas Anisa, apart from already did not use the respirator, he could have eaten bread, tuturnya. (jri)

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