Blogs Of Note


# 1444



The Revere's over at Effect Measure have tackled a difficult and highly technical subject this morning; the recent research paper on RBD's (Receptor Binding Domains) and the shape of glycans (chains of sugars molecules) on the exterior of human cells.


While still a bit on the technical side (I'd like to see anyone try to explain O-linked glycans without being just a little bit technical . . .) , the Revere's have once again simplified things so that we mere mortals can begin to understand them.


Read  Bird flu, umbrellas and cones



Less technical, but no less interesting, is today's entry by Zeinobia, our 23 year-old blogger from Egypt.  In the Egyptian Chronicles she often updates us on the bird flu situation in that country.


In Forget about the Bird flu now ,it is the Pig flu that we must take care from  Zeinobia describes the unsavory conditions under which pigs are raised in Egypt, and the worry that they may pose a flu hazard to the  nation. 


She also updates us on reported cases in Egypt:


It was announced earlier this week in the newspapers that there 35 citizens were detained in hospitals from across the country for suspicion of having Bird Flu , people now began to realize the dangers of the Bird flu and they check themselves in the hospitals as they know there will be  a better chance if the Flu was discovered earlier.


And today it was announced that the health ministry is detaining another 15 citizens in the following Governates  : Qena,El-Bahaira,El-Gharbia and El-Mania


Already today Tuesday the Cabinet headed by the Prime minister is going to discuss the situation


And she covers the controversy over Tamiflu as well.



Zeinobia is doing a remarkable job bringing us a local perspective on the bird flu situation in Egypt, and she does so in a country that has been less than appreciative of bloggers.  Some have even been arrested.


Kudos to her for being bold enough to blog when it would be so much easier not to. 

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