The Australian Food `Lifeboat'


# 1348



Here are links, along with the abstract, to the Australian Study advocating that families stockpile 3-months worth of food in anticipation of a crisis, such as a pandemic.


In this you will find detailed recommendations on how much to store for each family member.  


Funny how this study is advocating exactly what many members of the Internet Flu forums have been saying for 2 years.  I guess this means we are no longer the lunatic fringe.  



A Hat Tip to Florida1 on  Flutrackers for quickly coming up with the link to this journal article.







A food “lifeboat”: food and nutrition considerations in the event of a pandemic or other catastrophe

Anna Haug, Jennie C Brand-Miller, Olav A Christophersen, Jennifer McArthur, Flavia Fayet and Stewart Truswell

MJA 2007; 187 (11/12): 674-676



Which foods and in what quantities?


Competing interests


Author details





  • Influenza pandemics are a real risk and are best managed by self-isolation and social distancing to reduce the risk of infection and spread.

  • Such isolation depends on availability of food of adequate quantity and quality.

  • Australia has one of the most concentrated food supplies of any country, making rapid food depletion more likely in a crisis.

  • Food stockpiling by both authorities and citizens is an important safety precaution that should be given greater media coverage.

  • Food and nutrition guidelines are provided for survival rations in the event of a pandemic or other catastrophe.



By all means, read the entire article.  And take a good hard look at the quantities of food recommended, then take a hard  look at your pantry.  


How prepared are you for a pandemic?

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