# 1349
Update 0900 hrs EST
After a long wait on hold, I'm informed my ISP is having `DNS problems', and that my access to the net will be `intermittent until it is corrected'. There is, of course, no ETA on when that will be.
A frustrating morning, as I'm dealing with Internet access problems again.
This morning I've been unable to access my Yahoo mail (or any Yahoo service for that matter), Flutrackers is unavailable, as is PlanForPandemic, along with Scott McPherson's Blog, and I've been unable to get NewsNow to load.
I'm informed by a friend that those sites are up and running for him. Thanks, Chuck.
So obviously the problem is local in nature.
Luckily Crofsblog is still loading for me, as is the Wiki, else I'd feel completely cut off from Flublogia.
Updates on this site may be slow in coming today until this gets worked out.
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