Controversy Over `Mystery Illness' Explanation


# 1036


The mystery illness that claimed the lives of at least 10 villagers, and sickened a couple of dozen others, was tentatively identified yesterday by the Health Minister of Indonesia as a form of food poisoning caused by pseudomonas cocovenans.   


You can read their explanation here.


Today, the local Indonesian media are carrying reports calling this diagnosis into question, and suggesting a government cover up. 



A big hat tip to bgw in MT on the Wiki who has been finding and translating these articles at a furious rate.





The government was not Transparent the Matter of the Mysterious Plague

Semarang - the Government it was thought covered results of the related laboratory research up the cause of the mysterious illness that struck Kaligoro, Ngablak, of Magelang. The announcement that was sent apparently only was speculative, so as to be able to trigger the community's unrest.


The member the Commission of E DPRD Central Java, Aisyah Dahlan considered, the announcement that was sent by Menkes Fadhilah Supari that the death 10 Magelang residents were caused because mengonsumsi tempe gembus very awkward. Because, had several casualties that still in the age of pre-schoolers, so as the possibility consumed tempe gembus quite small.


Apalagi if being connected with the news that results of the autopsy on 2 casualties, experienced heart damage and the intestines. So like him was strange if his cause of only problems of tempe gembus,” he accused, on Wednesday (1/8/2007).




And this one from the Jawa Pos


Casualties did not eat Gembus Tempe


Semarang - the Explanation of the government about the cause of the mysterious death in Kanigoro, Magelang, that was stated because of tempe gembus, precisely raised many questions. Moreover, the government was judged closed-covered results of the laboratory were related to the cause of this mysterious illness.


The announcement that was sent that was apparently speculative so as to be able to trigger the community's unrest. "Moreover, several residents Kanigoro also claimed not mengonsumsi tempe gembus before the incident that claimed the life of ten people happened," explained the member the Commission of E DPRD Central Java Aisyah Dahlan yesterday (1/8.


He considered, the announcement that was sent by Menkes Fadhilah Supari, that the death of ten Magelang residents because mengonsumsi tempe gembus, very awkward.




The problem with the food poisoning scenario as proposed by the Indonesian Health department is that a number of the victims deny eating Gembus Tempe,  the alleged source of the contamination. 


Whatever the truth of this matter, it is obvious the current explanation isn't setting well with many observers. 

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