Passing On A Request


# 674



SophiaZoe, one of my fellow avian flu bloggers has a request on her website, and so I thought I'd pass it along in case anyone reading my blog might have missed it. 



April 15, 2007

First Responders

I am putting out a general call to all my First Responder readers.


As I often mention, my son is a patrol officer for a small city. His department is not taking the threat of a possible severe pandemic with any seriousness, and I am deeply concerned.


I would like to hear from you out there about plans that your departments are working on or how they are approaching the problems. Is there anything you could suggest to me to help get the message across? What are your departments doing to educate and protect personnel?


I can be reached at my listed email: or you are free to drop a comment on the blog itself. The comments are open to anonymous commentators.


I look forward to hearing from you!


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