A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

# 673

The picture above is of the patient who died yesterday of a suspected H5N1 infection in Indonesia. I'm posting it so that people can see how seriously hospitals are taking the threat of infection.

Notice the PPE's (Personal Protective Equipment) being worn. Not simply masks and gloves, but full body protection, including goggles or face shields.

A sobering reminder that, if a pandemic should erupt and you are faced with treating an infected family member, having some basic protective gear (masks & gloves) for the caregiver isn't an unreasonable precaution.

A hat tip to treyfish on Flutrackers for posting this picture.

Note: While the use of PPE's by the general public is controversial, and no guarantee of escaping infection, in my opinion something is better than nothing. Masks (surgical or N95) have not been proven to be an effective barrier to the virus, and they must be fitted and worn properly if they are to be effective at all.

At best, masks may help reduce the chance of infection. There are no guarantees in a pandemic.

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