Indonesia: Still Withholding Samples


# 698


Despite media reports several weeks ago that the impasse between the Indonesian Health Ministry and the WHO had been resolved, there has been no movement on the part of the Indonesian government to send virus samples to the World Health Organization.

This from the Jakarta's  Time Interactive.  A hat tip to Treyfish on Flutrackers for posting this translation.



Indonesia did not yet want to send the Example of the Virus H5N1

on Monday, April 23 2007 | 12:54 WIB

The Interactive TIME, Jakarta: Up To Now Indonesia is not yet prepared to send the sample of the virus H5N1 to the laboratory belonging to the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Health Body of the World.


Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari said Indonesia will not send the sample of the cause virus of the bird flu until the Health Body agreed to the Indonesian request.


"If they wanted (was sent the sample), yes must with the agreement," he said in the Department's Building of the Health, Jakarta, on Monday (23/4).


In fact, last March 27, the government and the Health Body of the World achieved the sending agreement of the example of the bird flu virus.


The agreement was then poured in the Jakarta Declaration that was signed by the member countries of the Health Body, a day after the agreement was achieved.


"We will as soon as possible send the virus to WHO," said the Health Minister at that time.


Beforehand, Indonesia refused to send the example of the virus H5N1 to the health body.


The reason is, the example of the virus was used by other countries to make the vaccine without permission from Indoensia.


In fact the government did not permit the virus to be commercialised.


In the Jakarta Declaration, Indonesia required had the commitment from the Health Body to not abuse the virus that was sent.


The condition, said Siti, will be discussed in the meeting world health assembly this coming May.


Siti optimistic, pesyaratan that will be agreed to.


The reason is, the Indonesian bargaining position in putting forward the quite strong condition.


"That had goods (the example" of the "virus) would we," he said.


Moreover, explained Siti, developing countries that had the supportive also virus the Indonesian step.


For example Vietnam and Thailand.


"They were behind Indonesia," he said.


Siti was insistent, Indonesia will not send the example of the virus while the Health Body did not yet agree to the condition from Indonesia.


"If they did not agree, the virus will not be sent," he said.


Since these negotiations over the virus samples began, Indonesia has reported a dozen new cases of human infection, none of which appear in the WHO totals.   The last WHO update on Indonesia is from last January 29th.

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