Indonesia: The Sounds Of Silence


# 718


Officially, we haven't heard much out of Indonesia in weeks.  One might be tempted to assume all is quiet there, but local media reports paint a slightly different picture.


We continue to get reports in the local media, translated by our hard working newshounds on the flu forums, that tell us that suspected cases of human `flu burung'  continue to trickle into hospitals.  Most are placed into isolation units, given Tamiflu, and then only occasionally do we hear of test results. 


Presumably many of these patients are not Bird Flu victims, but since test results are rarely released, it's hard to know.  The media made a big deal over a family of 5 a couple of weeks ago, all suspected of bird flu infection, and I've not seen another word.


We also never heard any results on the HCW's (Health Care Workers) who attended a bird flu victim (who died) more than a month ago, and were complaining of flu-like symptoms. 


This lack of information is disconcerting.


Tamiflu is apparently being handed out liberally to anyone who complains of fever or `pilek' (cold-like symptoms), and who has had contact with birds. 


Almost daily, there are reports of poultry testing positive for the H5N1 virus, and of culling operations.  These are so common that they hardly warrant mention anymore.   The virus is obviously endemic in poultry in that country.


To try to give some context to this media silence, I've selected excerpts from two local media sources. Both articles appeared over the weekend and are translated from Bahasa into English. 


It must be remembered that suspected cases are simply that; suspected.   Until tested positive, they must be viewed only as suspicious.


First, a hat tip to Katy at PFI for this one, an account of a possible cluster in Grobogan, Indonesia.  Four are hospitalized, and 7 more are under observation.   It should be noted that this is just one, of several, recent reports in the media on suspected cases.



Four people was expected by Bird Flu


GROBOGAN-Team of the Manager and the Control of the Bird Flu Illness - Avian influenza (TP3-AI) the Grobogan Regency, found the assumption of the case of bird flu in the Plosorejo Village and Kemadohbatur the Tawangharjo Subdistrict, after being carried out by Epidemologi by the team from Dinkes Grobogan and Central Java. 


The executive director Ii TP3-AI, Drg Palti Siregar MKes (MMR) said, four people who are expected by the bird flu, currently were treated in RS Yakkum and RSD Dr Soedjati Purwodadi. We could not state his name.


For the time being they were expected by bird flu, explained he when being met after reporting this problem to the Representative Regent Icek Baskoro, on Thursday (26/4).


Explained, from the four sufferers still was seven again that was expected potential terjangkit this virus, so as on the whole was gotten by 11 people that still in the supervision of the team.Nine people among them villagers Plosorejo, and two other the resident Kemadohbatur.


They experienced the sign of bird flu like the high fever, the cough, and pilek after being directly touching with the poultry that died suddenly.


At this time the team was still being waiting for results of the laboratory inspection of four people who were treated in the hospital.




And then there's this; a general call to the public to report to the local health service if they are feverish.  Tamiflu, they say, will be provided, along with hospital care if deemed necessary.


A Hat Tip to bgw in MT  at the Wiki for this one.


Feverishly, Immediately Periksa

{get examined}


Klaten - the Health Service and Social Welfare (DKKS) the Klaten Regional Government, did not want to take the risk of happening the AI spread (avian influenza) against humankind. Assumed did not have the area that was safe from bird flu, DKKS appealed to all the resident memeriksakan {have examined} his health to PPKKS (the Centre of the Health Service and Social Welfare/the Community Health Centre), if the fever.


In Klaten, had had the resident of the Knife Hamlet, the Daleman Village, helped and the Glagahwangi Village, Polanharjo, AI. two people could be treated in RSUD Dr Moewardi Solo. They had finally been stated by the AI negative. "Until this, indeed did not yet have the AI case positive to humankind in Klaten." But, continued to be on the alert that was important.


PPKKS has been instructed by me to follow up if da the resident complained the high fever was accompanied by the disturbance of breathing or the inflammation, said Kasubdin the Prevention and the Eradication of the Illness of DKKS Klaten drg Agus Susanto.


Since 2004 set, the first time AI it was known cleared Klaten. At that time, AI destroyed hundreds of thousands of poultries in the Krakitan Village, the Subdistrict Initiate. The other territory like Ceper, Polanharjo, helped and Manisrenggo took part in being hit by his current. Was endless after that till 2006 then, AI again attacked the poultry in Glagahwangi.




Agus explained, the sign of the public who happened was feverish on 38 levels celcius was followed by the disturbance of acute breathing. Former the Head of PPKKS Klaten South this asked the community immediately to bring the sufferer to PPKKS. in PPKKS, all the medical staff have been trained to pay close attention to the illness kind and his handling method. In PPKKS, tamiflu also was available.




It is impossible to know, given the lack of official comment, exactly what is going on in Indonesia.  The standoff with the WHO over virus samples may be a contributing factor to the official silence.


In any event, things may not be as quiescent in Indonesia as it appears. 

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