Two Blogs You May Have Missed

# 319


As a blogger, I not only am driven to write, I'm driven to read the opinions and writings of others.  I'm delighted to have the opportunity from time to time to recommend that my readers visit some of the sterling examples of avian flu blogging on the web that, alas, did not spring forth from my keyboard.


SophiaZoe has just completed an ambitious three part overview of a science journal article by OLAV ALBERT CHRISTOPHERSEN1 & ANNA HAUG, that hypothesizes a crushing CFR (Case Fatality Ratio) of an avian flu pandemic.  It's called An Epidemic of Wishful Thinking


Entertaining, and thought provoking, this review is definitely worth a look.  Links to the 3 parts are provided below.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


And Tina, over at THE NEXT PANDEMIC, has written an excellent accounting of an average day on her farm called 'Let Me Tell You About . . .", where she and her family are exposed to a myriad of pathogens in ways that most of us never would think about.


Both blogs are worthy of a daily visit, and exemplify the quality of thinking, and writing being done on the web today.

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