Reuters Reports Egyptian H5N1 Case

# 320


This is just coming over the wires, and there are few details available as yet.  On Monday I reported on two possible cases in Egypt here.  The ages do not match, so at this point it doesn't appear to be related to the previously mentioned cases.


Egyptian woman tests positive for bird flu-agency

17 Jan 2007 13:10:54 GMT

Source: Reuters

CAIRO, Jan 17 (Reuters) - A 27-year-old Egyptian woman tested positive for the bird flu virus, the official Middle East News Agency (MENA) quoted a Health Ministry official as saying on Wednesday.

The woman was identified as Warda Eidh Ahmed, the agency reported. She has been hospitalised since Jan. 13.




From Reuters:

CAIRO (Reuters) - A 27-year-old Egyptian woman tested positive for the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus, a World Health Organization official said on Wednesday.


The virus has claimed 10 lives in Egypt while eight other positive cases recovered since it first surfaced in Egyptian poultry in February.


"Unfortunately, yes there is a new case," said Hassan el-Bushra, regional adviser for communicable diseases surveillance for the World Health Organization.


He told Reuters tests carried out by Egyptian authorities were positive for the H5N1 virus and he was awaiting the results of a second set of tests.






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