The flu: Prevention, Treatment, Flu vaccine and Medical care

flu symptoms

The flu is caused by different but similar types of viruses. Flu epidemics of the disease occur mostly in the winter. The virus spreads rapidly, especially in places with lots of people, such as schools and offices. People in good general health is restored for several days without special treatment, others need advice.

The flu usually starts suddenly with chills, fever, muscle aches and sneezing. Soon it may hurt your throat, dry cough occurs, increased skin sensitivity, eye pain, malaise and headache. During this time probably will not feel hungry. The fever accompanying flu generally lasts about 3-5 days. After the decline of simptomit is normal to feel tired for several weeks.

flu prevention


Increase your resistance to infections if asked flu epidemic. Even ill, the disease will go easier.
Eat healthy
Everyday bother with aerobic exercise.

Take regular supplementation with multivitamins and minerals (including beta-carotene, vitamin C and E, flavonoids, selenium and zinc).

Aiming is not doing too much and stressed.

In flu epidemic avoid places where many people gather.

In winter drink echinacea as a tea, tincture or tablets 2-3 times a week and if you are in contact with the flu every day.

Let the garlic is an integral part of your diet - raw or tablets.

In winter every three weeks on one of prophylactic homeopathic remedies flu.


Cold or flu?
In both cases appear sore throat, cough and runny nose. Although flu is usually recognized by more severe symptoms, the only sure way to accurate diagnosis through laboratory analysis of secretions from the nose and throat. However such need arises often.

Flu requires careful treatment to avoid serious complications occur. Stay at home to prevent spread infection, and do not get out of bed to keep their forces to fight the flu virus. Be careful with medications that are available without a prescription because it can not outweigh the symptoms and premature to decide that you are healed. Do not go out from home at least one day after normalization of temperature.

Drink plenty of decaffeinated beverages: water, fruit juice, barley water and herbal teas. Taking a sip of tea blackcurrant relieves sore throats and provides additional vitamin C needed to fight infection.

Drink tea echinacea 3 times daily or 200 milligrams of add 5 times a day.

Tea elder flower, peppermint and yarrow reduce fever and relieve pain.

Extract of elderberries stops the multiplication of influenza viruses.

Tea tree oil reduces fever and relieves muscle pain. Add 2 drops of it to a tablespoon of jojoba oil. 4 times a day rub the mixture behind the ears, forehead, on both sides of the nose and chest. Take a warm (not hot) bath with added 6-8 drops of tea tree oil (not recommended during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy).

For stuffy nose inhales a few drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus.

Aconite: if the temperature rises suddenly, especially due to the cold.

Eupatorium: if you feel that the pain seemed penetrates your bones.

Gelsemium: if the predominant symptoms are thrust into a shivering and shaking.

Oscilococcinum: strengthening means (assuming the first 36 hours of the onset of symptoms similar to flu symptoms).

flu vaccines

Need flu vaccine?

The flu vaccines reduces the duration of the disease and helps prevent complications. It is recommended that people with flu that can occur severe, for example:
• Persons aged 65 years.
• People with chronic heart, lung, liver or kidney disease, diabetes or sickle cell anemia.
• taking corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs.
• Persons with spleen removed.
• accommodated in nursing homes or hospitals. Influenza vaccination is recommended for staff.


• If no improvement occurs after a week or 3-4 days after the symptoms worsen.
• The illness lasts more than a month or recur.
• When you cough with yellow or green phlegm.
• If vaccination is highly recommended.

Immediately consult a doctor if:
• Feeling shortness of breath or chest pain.
• neck is stiff, you unbearable headache, disorientation, rash, pain in the joints or are offended by bright light.
• Separation bloody sputum.

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