Substitution Bone Affect Diabetes

When body bone bones broken and replaced with new bone will appear hormone called osteocalcin. This hormone turned out to be a potent drug for diabetics. Unfortunately, this hormone is rarely arises because waiting for broken bones.

Scientists find hormone osteocalcin can alter insulin production in the pancreas, which in turn improves the ability of other cells to take up glucose in the blood.

However, this only works when the hormones of the bones and bone turnover occurs naturally. Research conducted by scientists from Columbia University Medical Center have finally concluded the hormone osteocalcin has an effect on diabetes.

"Osteocalcin released bone, can regulate glucose levels in the blood. From these findings, it can be made better drugs to help control type 2 diabetes," said Dr. Gerard Karsenty, who led the study, as reported by the BBC, Friday (23/7 / 2010).

Type 2 diabetes is the most common condition caused by diabetes lifestyle rather than genetic (diabetes type 1). Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body no longer respond to insulin correctly which causes loss of control of blood sugar.

Well, if it appears that the hormone osteocalcin can alter insulin production in the pancreas so that the blood sugar levels in people with diabetes can be controlled.

"But this study has important implications for patients with diabetes and osteoporosis," said Karsenty.

These findings provide important implications are:
First, this study shows that osteocalcin is involved in diabetes.
Second, the bone may be a new target in the treatment of type 2 diabetes because it can treat an abnormal glucose.
Third, osteocalcin could become a treatment for type 2 diabetes.

"This study could open up the possibility of manufacturing a drug that can treat or prevent type 2 diabetes," said Dr Victoria King, head of research at Diabetes UK.

But researchers also cautioned that the bone strengthening drug consumption is used to treat osteoporosis, may disrupt the hormone osteocalcin spending.

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