Hepatitis is a disease that attacks the liver. Inflammation of the liver caused by toxins. The causes vary, as there are several types of hepatitis, the causes and the symptoms vary.
Hepatitis A is characterized by yellowing of the white color in the eyes, urine turns a dark brown color, like cola drinks. Other symptoms are abdominal pain right will, fever continuously, vomiting, dizziness, feeling tired and lackluster employment and thinner body to be faster because of the lack of appetite. The cause is viral hepatitis A. The virus can be transmitted through food prepared by people with Hepatitis A do not pay attention to hygiene, especially when complete bowel movement.
Chronic hepatitis B have symptoms of yellow eyes, belly began to swell, the body is easy to feel fatigue, swelling of the legs and yellow eyes. Hepatitis B virus presence could not be felt by the patient, even though many years have been residing in the liver. Laboratory tests will tell. The reason is the hepatitis B virus to grow and develop in the liver. Another cause is autoimmune hepatitis is immune condition that attacks the liver and causes inflammation of the liver. Toxic hepatitis due to hepatitis B is the leading cause damage to the cells of the liver caused by toxic chemicals, eating foods that contain toxic and side effects of prescription drugs to the liver injury.
Hepatitis C Hepatitis C is caused by a virus that enters the human body through processed meat undercooked, infected by Hepatitis C, and the irregular pattern of life as irregular eating, lack of rest and eating excessive junk food. Symptoms of hepatitis C is easily tired than people in general, loss of appetite in the long term and continuous, the stomach will be sore for a long time, the eyes become yellow and the urine is concentrated. To make sure it can be done laboratory tests.
It is better to prevent than cure. Healthy lifestyle, giving the right to the body to rest and get enough healthy foods and start exercising will make a better quality of life and avoid the various diseases.
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