Anemia has a very common symptom of the weak, dizzy and prone to infection.
Insufficient number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is called anemia.
Anemia in cases often caused by lack of iron. Therefore, it helps us to consume foods that contain lots of iron to prevent anemia.
Anemia can attack all people that they do not know about that. Some food can be prevent for anemia, and this is 5 food that, including vegetable and fruit.
Here are 5 foods that are rich in iron:
1. Beet
Bit is a source of vitamin B2 and A. Bit can enrich the blood with iron and manganese content.
2. Corn
Corn turned out to be good for preventing anemia have iron and copper. Maize is also a good source of vitamins A and C.
3. Eggs
Eggs are rich in all minerals including iron and vitamin B. Eggs are ideal in consumption at breakfast because it has a sufficient amount of energy
4. Watercress
Kale is a good source to prevent anemia watercress contains vitamins A, B and C. Watercress contains amounts of iron, potassium and calcium.
5. Spinach
If you want to diet without being exposed to anemia then spinach is the right choice because spinach contains enough iron and many vitamins such as vitamin A is also good for your eyes.
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