Tea is a natural beverage ingredients that have long been known and very popular in the community. Currently tea products are sold in the form of ready to drink (ready to drink) and dip / makers with a range of innovations and creativity of each manufacturer.
Tea has been known for a long time in China and Japan, and over the centuries has become an important trade commodity for both countries. Tea is produced from the leaves of Camellia sinensis processing. By the way there are three kinds of tea processing are:
Black Tea: This type of tea is made by fermenting tea leaves and can be seen from the results in the dark brown.
Green Tea: This tea is made without any kind of fermented tea leaves and result of infusion is yellow to light green.
Red Tea / Oolong: type of tea made without full fermentation. The result is a red steeping tea.
Besides delicious hot or cold drink, tea has many health benefits for the body. Health benefits for the body is derived from the content of the various compounds found in tea such as polyphenols compounds, amino acids, caffeine and minerals.
Lowering Risk of Heart Blood Vessel Blockage (Atherosclerosis) In general when compared to the polyphenol content between brown, red wine and tea polyphenol content of the tea ranks second after cocoa. Black tea polyphenols such as theaflavins and thearubigin contained in tea leaves steeping to prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), commonly known as bad fats. Oxidized LDL is easy to stick to the walls of blood vessels that leads to narrowing. If this condition persists, it can be a heart attack. While similar compounds found in green tea is Epi-Gallocatechin Gallate
Prevent Cancer
Based on epidemiological studies, consumption of tea was helpful to prevent cancer, including cancers of the skin, lung, colon and breast. Research Feng et al. (2002) states that kasiat tea was probably caused by the content theafl avin to prevent oxidative stress in the cell.
Have the Refreshing Body Effects
Generally known that caffeine makes us fresh / not sleepy, improve concentration and reduce fatigue. Unlike coffee has a higher caffeine content, caffeine content of tea around a third of the caffeine content in coffee, which is about 25.5 mg to 34 mg per 170 ml. Moderate caffeine content of tea can be consumed this causes more without fear of having difficulty sleeping or symptoms of heart palpitations. Other ingredients contained in tea is an amino acid theanin. Theanin has a relaxing effect and can reduce stress.
Mineral Content of Fluoride Helps Prevent Tooth decay tea consumption helps prevent bacterial growth and the formation of acids that cause tooth decay. Mechanism of fluoride in preventing tooth decay is through its ability to react with hydroxyapatite (a mineral element that is widely available in bone / tooth) or fill in the spaces between the mineral. The reaction of fluoride with hydroxyapatite produce fluoroapatit that can strengthen tooth enamel.
Aside from the delicious taste and can be combined with a variety of ingredients such as fruit juice or honey to obtain a unique product, the benefits of the tea itself has provided the impetus to drink this one.
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