Food Containing Carbohydrates

Indonesian  people usually eat rice three time in one day. Some people in Indonesian work in the agricultural. They are farmers in their area and they can product a lot of rice from their location. Rice have a lot of carbohydrates. It make a stomach full and give a little energy. Any other food that containing carbohydrate excedpt rice? Actually some food have carbohydrates, but the highest is rice.

How Carbohydrate Content of Rice?
Carbohydrate content contained in rice is a simple carbohydrate that is easy to break down into sugar in the body. Carbohydrates are better is a complex carbohydrate that breaks down over time, so that will keep you full longer. Carbohydrate needs of the general adult 1000 grams per day.

If you want to try an alternative carbs than rice, some foods that contain carbohydrates are:

Maize is the staple food for the region of Madura and East Nusa Tenggara. Sweet taste makes a lot of people who love it. Contains folic acid and fiber is good for the body. In certain areas, corn is made into corn rice. In practical ways you can try to eat it with boiled or roasted.

Sago is a staple food for people in Maluku or Papua. Regular sago plants growing in a swamp in the eastern Indonesia and is rarely found in the western region of Indonesia. Shaped like a powder which will then be processed. Society of Eastern Indonesia is processing sago into a shape like a sticky porridge called papeda are usually eaten with fish sauce yellow.

Cassava is also one of the staple food in Indonesia. The roots of this plant can be a filling meal. Usually served with made into tiwul, fried or boiled.

Similar to cassava, yam is also a root of a plant that contains carbohydrates. Types commonly found are sweet sweet sweet orange and purple. Orange sweet potatoes contain beta carotene which will become vitamin A and can prevent cancer. While the purple sweet potato has a beautiful color that can be used as a natural dye. Purple sweet potato to prevent blockage of blood vessels and have antioxidant. There are several ways to cook sweet potatoes is by way of fried, steamed, or made a cake.

Potatoes contain carbohydrates with lower calories so are used to the diet. Regular fries served with steak or other food sdaging. The cooking methods can be baked, boiled and then pounded commonly known as mossed potatoes. Easy potato side dish combined with vegetables or companion.

Oat derived from wheat and has the benefit of lowering the body's cholesterol. Can be easily found in instant form and used as an alternative food in the morning. Regular brewed or presented in a way that resembles porridge boiled briefly. Another way is to add it in a cake or bread.

Spaghetti, fettuccini, fusilli, macaroni cocciolini or is some form of pasta that we usually encounter. Pasta is actually derived from the processed flour and dried produce diverse forms. Ordinary processed with roasted, boiled and then added to the sauce such as bolognaise or carbonara.

Type of Carbohydrate
Carbohydrates itself can be divided into simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. By consuming complex carbohydrates, the result you will feel full more slowly because of the breakdown of glucose more slowly. Complex carbohydrates characterized by low numbers GI (glycemic index). The lower the glycemic index means that the more complex carbohydrates.

Are included in the category of low GI carbohydrates are pasta, corn, boiled cassava, and oats. At this level there were sweet potatoes, baked potato with skin, brown rice. Any higher GI of white rice and baked potatoes without the skin.

Knowing the types of carbohydrates can help you who are dieting, to feel full longer and help your diet. It also makes you be careful with reducing carbohydrates in rice if you had already eat foods containing carbohydrates on the sidelines of the main meals.

Research conducted shows that a diet rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates, can make long life, reduced risk of cancer, reduced risk of heart disease, reduced risk of diabetes, a reduced risk of digestive disorders, and increased overall health.

Moreover, carbs than rice such as maize, cassava, yams, potatoes, oats and up pasta, can be an alternative in order not to become monotonous.

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