Dr. Rath's principles 10 of a "New Health"

Dr. Rath's principles 10 of a"New Health"

1 health instead of disease. The current health care suffers from a "fatal birth defect."

It serves the interests of the pharmaceutical industry, an investment industry that achieved with the persistence of diseases billions in profits. Prevention and eradication of diseases are bad for business for the pharmaceutical industry and fought by their lobby. The goal of the new health care is no longer manage diseases, but to restore and maintain health. These objectives of a new health care system and the business interests of the pharmaceutical industry are facing each incompatible. Only one side can win this debate. 

2 Prevention and treating the causes rather than the concealment of symptoms.
80% of currently occupied by patients pharmaceutical drugs have no medical proof, but at best relieve symptoms. The new health care based on the other hand, remedies and therapies that prevent disease effectively treat the cause and eventually eradicate. 

3 health at the cellular level - essential for health of the body and organs.
Health and disease in our body to be decided at the level of millions of body cells. Main cause of the malfunction of cells is an inadequate intake of vitamins and other micronutrients that are essential for a variety of cell functions. The optimal intake of essential nutrients from our food or through supplements is crucial for health. 

4 Cell-health Principle I:Optimum availability of cellular energy materials.
Certain vitamins and other micronutrients are required for optimal energy metabolism of the cells. An optimum intake of these essential nutrients is essential in preventing such of

Heart rhythm disorders (lack of bioenergy in the heart muscle cells that generate the electrical impulse of the heart beat and forward),
Heart failure (lack of bioenergy in the heart muscle cells that are responsible for the pumping of the heart).

5 Cell-health Principle II:Optimal function of soft connective tissues.
Half of all the protein in our body is composed of collagen, elastin and other molecules that make up the connective tissue of our body. The preparation of these molecules is controlled by tissue vitamin C. The main building blocks of connective tissue molecules are the amino acids lysine and proline. Our body can not produce vitamin C or lysine even though our health - from birth to death - largely depends on an optimal availability of cellular nutrients. Consistent preventive and therapeutic application of this knowledge is common diseases attributed to a fraction of today.These include:

Cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, blood circulation problems),
Various forms of cancer,
Degenerative diseases and many more.

6 cell health Principle III:Optimal stability of hard tissue.

The stability of our bones and teeth is an optimal production of collagen molecules achieved (by vitamin C, lysine, proline), and the optimal storage of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium and trace elements in the dense connective tissue network. The consistent application of this knowledge is to prevent common diseases of today largely in the future:

Osteoporosis (weak bones),
Caries (tooth decay),
Periodontitis (gum disease). 

7 Independent health information and education as key of a new health care system.
Amazingly, white at the beginning of the 3rd Millennium, hardly anyone, that the human body does not manufacture vitamin C can still lysine itself, two key molecules that determine health and disease. This untenable situation is no accident but the result of a deliberate concealment strategy in the pharmaceutical industry. The ignorance of millions of people is a prerequisite for the spread of common diseases and for the "billion dollar business" with the disease by the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, the distribution of these fundamental health knowledge and the establishment of health courses, training courses and continuing education from kindergarten to adult education is the prerequisite of the new health system. 

8 Independent research in the field of cellular medicine and naturopathy as a cornerstone of a new health care system.
Medical research today is not primarily the health of the population and millions of patients, but also the profits of a handful of pharmaceutical shareholders. A large part of the money that is saved in the consistent health policy implementation of Cellular Medicine, is reinvested in natural medicine research. It is already apparent that many other diseases are caused by a lack of essential nutrients in our food causes with. A comprehensive program of research into the effectiveness of naturopathic treatment is the cornerstone of the new health and leads to more and more diseases are eradicated. 

9 Prohibition of the pharmaceutical "business with disease" - instead of the ban effective and side-effect free natural remedies.
In order to defend their market worth billions of largely useless pharmaceutical drugs, the pharmaceutical industry has fought with all means their strongest competition: effective, side-effect free and affordable natural remedies. This includes the withholding of vital health information about Natural Remedies, disinformation campaigns about alleged side effects and eventually the ban on dissemination of natural health information by law. For this purpose, abused the pharmaceutical lobby, even the United Nations ("Codex"), the European Parliament ("EU directives") and many other national and international bodies. Politicians who continue to participate in the restriction on disclosure of this vital health information - no matter under what pretext - endanger the health and lives of the people they chose, and be held accountable. 

10 million people lives can be saved and billions euros in savings in healthcare costs.To date, millions of people die each year from diseases that can be prevented and treated in a natural way. This tragedy must be terminated immediately. The extensive application of scientific principles of Cellular Medicine as the basis of a new long-term health will save hundreds of millions of lives. The termination of the pharmaceutical business with disease will relieve the private and public consumption, and reduce labor costs in all areas of society free up financial resources in billions of euros.

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