This one organ of our body like the giver of life. Due to its vital function as pumping blood throughout the body, drain the oxygen needed to sustain other organs work. That's why you have to be extra attentive to the organ of one's fist.
But it keeps the heart is not so easy. We have to keep it for the sake of his health early on until we get older. Cholesterol is often a factor detrimental to health and is one of the triggers of heart disease.
Actually, what is cholesterol? In the body there is fat that consists of bad cholesterol, also known as LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), but there is also good cholesterol, known as HDL (High Density Lipoprotein).
When too much cholesterol circulating in our blood, this substance will harden like a waxy substance that hardens and builds up in blood vessel walls forming plaque. Imagined as a result, we will be blocked blood flow. Blocked blood flow that causes heart attacks and strokes, which have been fatal. Meanwhile, the good cholesterol is fat that can dissolve bad cholesterol aka LDL them.
After learning how to kill human cholesterol, inevitably we have to prevent the buildup of LDL content of the blood to remain in the normal state. Actually it is not difficult, but resist the taste of a high intake of cholesterol which is difficult for most people.

- Offal
- Squid
- Chicken Egg Yolk
- Cow Brain
- Quail Eggs
- And others.
How With Cooking Oil?
In essence, the source of high cholesterol comes only from animal fat. Because it contains a lot of animal fats called sterols cholesterol, whereas vegetable oil contains phytosterols. Thus, the actual cooking oil is not the source of cholesterol. However, the oil consumption of saturated fatty acid content is high enough can cause the formation of cholesterol in the body.
Type of cooking oil that saturated fatty acid content of coconut oil is very high, which amounted to 90-92%. Meanwhile, palm oil has a fatty acid composition of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids are balanced. Instead, the type of oil that abortion is dominated by unsaturated fatty acids, namely soybean oil, which is about 80%.
Cooking oil with unsaturated fatty acids are high, such as soybean oil is actually very beneficial for health. Since abortion can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Only thing to remember is not to use oil again, because the used oil or used cooking oil known as this can lead to cancer. The oil was used to fry more than once usually become more viscous, having a high free fatty acid, and brownish. Well, this is very dangerous for health.
In addition to selecting the type of cooking oil you use to cook, there are some things that can help to maintain your heart.
- Frequently consume fish. Because besides being a source of protein, fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
- Increase consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and nuts. Because these foods contain lots of beneficial nutrients for your heart.
- Reduce, consume foods that contain fat. Begin to be careful and to estimate how the amount of fat that goes into your body every time you eat.
- Reduce consumption of foods that contain saturated fats. For example, for cooking oil, soybean oil choose unsaturated fats which are good for health.
- Consumption of plenty of water and regular exercise, and avoid stress. These three things are key in maintaining the health of your heart. Sufficient water levels in the body blood circulation, which certainly good for the heart. Exercise makes the heart healthy and strong. And the stress of living with a rare frequency of blood pressure and heart conditions you hold steady, and avoid distractions.
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