That does not count the tears that I have to spend, because the incident. I complained to the father and mother. A deed is not reasonable. If you are sick you should also do it like me. Please ask someone. Not so? I showed my mom after my eye condition, with a bit of panic advised me to pick a few pieces of betel leaf on the porch next to the house.
Then told me to wash them and then soak them in hot water. All I did myself. Betel leaves some sheets of water are then I use to wash my eyes. The trick then is to follow the advice mothers dipping my eyes into a bowl or container water betel. Of course, after the water is no longer hot betel correct. Was lukewarm. Or cold all also not poor. You know what happened? A few minutes later my pink eyes began to decrease swelling. Several times I was told by the mother to repeat what I did before that is dipped into the pink eye irritation betel leaf water immersion. And in one day after I did the traditional medicine, it is awesome my eyes are not swollen and red again. Summary overcome the red-eye irritation: Pick a few betel leaves Soak in hot water betel leaf Wait until slightly cool or cold bath Dip your eyes in the bath Repeat several times until Hopefully my experience helpful. Healthy Regards
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