Avoid causing heart problems, do not do this.

hello goodnight loyal visitors of this blog, thank you for visiting previously this simple blog. return to the topic of heart disease in the top 10 of the world's deadliest diseases, lifestyle, air pollution and instant diet cause organ disorders, especially the heart, but did you know? that heart health is also determined by the simple and modest as uncontrollable emotions, irritability, and others.
I will discuss in detail one by one about what the simple things that lead to heart disease as follows:

Keep your mouth and teeth
Maybe you wonder, what is the relationship tooth with heart disease, so the explanation: when the gear a lot of dirt, it will cause a lot of bacteria that enter the blood vessels in the mouth.
Then the bacteria will run into the coronary arteries, it is this that will cause the constriction of blood vessels and lead to reduced blood flow.

Negative Thinking
Always think negative or pessimistic about everything will adversely affect the mental contrary to always think positive or upbeat, the better the mental condition. The results of research now suggests that optimism will make the heart stronger, according to a statement cited journals in circulation. pessimistic attitude will only lead to physical illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, depression and obesity. exercise lazy and addicted to cigarettes is the next effect.

Not able to control emotions.
 Besides making others annoyed, angry attitude also have a negative impact on the health of the body. a study says that grumpy attitude at risk of coronary artery disease are twice as big, three times the risk of heart attack

Tips to control emotions way is easy enough:
take a deep breath and re-focus on the journey of life.

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