Inside My New Bug Out Bag


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My Bug-out-bag, Canteen, & Toiletry kit

# 6426


Back in 2010 I blogged on Inside My Bug Out Bag, where I highlighted the contents of my GOOD (Get Out Of Dodge) or BOB (Bug Out Bag).


Since then I’ve made a number of improvements to my emergency bag, and so today a look at the new and improved version that is both lighter, easier to carry, and in many ways more complete.


A bug out bag – one that is at the ready that you can grab at a moment’s notice – should be at the top of everyone’s preparedness list. You never know when you might suddenly have to abandon your home, or car, during an emergency.


The following PSA from shows just how important having an emergency kit can be, when events conspire to turn your world upside down.




The smaller bag - which can clip to the backpack -contains simple toiletries (toothbrush/paste, soap, razor, deodorant), a `shake’ LED flashlight, a lighter, some `personal wipes’, some OTC meds and a couple of essential prescriptions


Everything is bagged to protect against moisture, and I keep it separate from the main bag to make it easier to carry and use.




To show the contents of the main bag I’ve divided it into two sections, the first picture shows the contents of the biggest compartment.


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Inside a large plastic bag, I have a change of clothes, with extra socks and underwear. I have a plasticized map with several bug-out locations marked, along with a compass.  There’s a whistle for signaling, light poly rope and tarp for shelter, and a couple of MREs.

Although I’m carrying a canteen, I’ve also added a LIFESTRAW water filter, which is supposed to be good for 1000 liters, and weighs in at just 2 ounces. 


The other side and back pouches of the bag contain a variety of useful items, including:

  • A spring loaded fishing reel/and hooks
  • A mess kit
  • Spare glasses
  • Sun glasses
  • A first aid kit
  • Mosquito Repellant/Sun Block
  • Waterproof matches/ Lighter
  • An AM/FM radio with extra batteries
  • LED Lantern
  • Extra rope/Duct tape
  • Electrolytes
  • Water Treatment Tablets
  • Extra Money/ Including Change
  • Multi-Tool/Knife
  • USB FLASH DRIVE with important documents


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I would, of course, grab my cell phone and charger on the way out the door, should I ever have to skedaddle, along with my car keys, pocket knife, and (hopefully) my Samsung netbook.


In the event that disaster strikes and I must abandon my home, this setup allows me the ability to camp out anywhere from my back yard to (preferably) a friends sofa.


I have another bag - essentially a large duffle bag - which is already packed and ready, which contains additional supplies which I can throw into the back of my car.  It contains a bigger first aid kit, and food supplies to last for a week or more.


It is a bit too heavy to lug around for very long if I’m on foot, however.


Your bug-out bag will no doubt be different than mine, as I’ve rigged mine to suit both my needs, my location (rural), and my particular skill set.


A bug-out-bag should be a smaller version of a much larger emergency supply that every household should maintain. While a BOB should provide for 72 hours of your family's needs, you should be prepared to stay at home, without outside assistance, for at least 2-weeks.


For more on how you can put together an emergency bug-out kit for you and your family, you may wish to visit  for some additional advice.




A disaster supplies kit is simply a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency.


Try to assemble your kit well in advance of an emergency. You may have to evacuate at a moment’s notice and take essentials with you. You will probably not have time to search for the supplies you need or shop for them.



You may need to survive on your own after an emergency. This means having your own food, water and other supplies in sufficient quantity to last for at least 72 hours. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster but they cannot reach everyone immediately. You could get help in hours or it might take days.


Additionally, basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment and telephones may be cut off for days or even a week, or longer. Your supplies kit should contain items to help you manage during these outages.

Related Materials

Recommended Supplies List (PDF)

Recommended Supplies List (Text)


A reminder that September is National Preparedness Month, and so I’ll be doing a lot of preparedness blogging over the summer.   While it may seem to be a lot of work to get prepared to deal with an emergency, it really isn’t.

Preparing is easy.

It’s worrying that’s hard.

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