causes of snoring children

Your parents or mothers who, when the night is always disturbed by the sound of your child snore? when if it happens to your child, you should be wary, because children who snore shows that your child has a health problem, immediately find out the cause, so as not to result in even worse when your child grows up, so early prevention is the recommended.
Most parents think when they hear her snoring, sleep child sleep or from exhaustion, but that assumption is not correct, you should know that children who snore a lot of problems in the natural children, according to a study indicated that about 12% of children the age of 1-9 years experience snoring by more than 3 times per week, with a voice that sounded by his parents.
The main causes of snoring children is the occurrence of stopping breathing or if it occurs in adults with sleep apnea the call, which is the narrowing of the airways to vibrate when the air passed.

Major factor in constriction of the airways in children is generally caused by three factors:

 1. Anatomical abnormalities of the body, such as a small jaw or small airways at birth.
2. Muscles and nervous system in the respiratory tract not work hard enough or poorly coordinated.
3. The occurrence of enlarged tonsils and adenoids are more often in the tonsils.

Due to the short term due to snoring in children is:

• poor sleep quality, due to lack of oxygen supply.
• Children become easily fatigued
• concentration is decreased
• Achievement of children in school decreased.

Long-term consequences of this disorder:

• Reduced supply of oxygen is continuously and lasts a long time will affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels potentially aggravate hypertension if the child has the disease.
• As often feel tired, hungry children more quickly and tend to fast food in the energy as if a sweet tooth, this will lead to risk of obesity, you should be aware, child obesity snoring will worsen the disease.
• Method of improper diet due to high appetite will result in increased equally harmful cholesterol in the blood that had heart disease as adults.

Factors that cause snoring children the most common are due to tonsillitis, therefore prevention and treatment must be done first is to address the issue inflamed tonsils or adenoids, tonsils and anatomical abnormalities and problems of the nervous system could be solved by the method of surgical orthodontics.
How are the mothers? after reading my article above, the point is not considered trivial when your child snore when sleeping, immediately do the analysis in order to make earlier treatment.
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