# 5938
Dr. Nathan Wolfe – who is the founder and director of the Global Viral Forecasting Initiative (GVFI) – has been the subject of several of my blogs over the years. His group, which is a collaboration of more than 100 scientists worldwide, works to serve as a pandemic early warning system.
It is their hope that they can detect an emerging pandemic virus when it first appears, giving mankind an opportunity to contain, and hopefully stop, emerging dangerous disease threats.
I’ve called Wolfe the `Indiana Jones of Virology’ because he spends about half of each year tramping around the jungles of Africa looking for next pandemic virus (see Nathan Wolfe And The Doomsday Strain).
In 2008 the New York Times ran a major story (see Deep In The Rain Forest, Stalking the Next Pandemic) on Dr. Wolfe’s work, and you can learn more from his inspiring 2009 TED TALK Video Link.
Last month Scientific American had excerpts from Dr. Wolfe’s new book, The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age, which was published on October 11th. Follow the link to read:
How an Interconnected Planet Is Fueling the Brewing Viral Storm
Dr. Wolfe’s book (which I’ve not read yet), is called:
The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age
Earlier this week, Dr. Wolfe was featured on the PBS Newshour in an 8 minute interview conducted by Ray Suarez. You can read the transcript, or listen to an MP3 audio recording of the interview at the link below:
Virus Hunter Tracks New and Deadly Pathogens Around the Globe
It’s a good interview that touches on many of the subjects we’ve covered in this blog.
Well worth taking the time to check out.
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