NPM10: Inside My Auto First Aid Kit




Note: National Preparedness Month continues, and today I thought I’d provide a glimpse inside my `secondary’ first aid kit.  The one I keep in the trunk of my car.


You can follow this month long awareness campaign on Twitter by searching for the #NPM10 hash tag.


# 4810



Well equipped First Aid kits are a necessity in every home, and should also be found in every car as well.  While you can purchase a ready-made kit (the quality of which varies depending on price), I’ve always preferred to create my own.


As a former paramedic from a bygone era (sadly, my leech died years ago), I probably have more equipment in my kit than most people would bother with.  But perhaps a look inside my bag will inspire someone to make their own.



Since I recently replaced my old kit with a slightly larger one,  today seemed like a good day for the unveiling.



The `bag’ is an old style Laptop computer case, with a handle and a shoulder strap.  I like these, because they have numerous compartments, are soft, and are reasonably waterproof.


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On the `trauma’ side of the bag, I’ve got `Kling’ roll bandages, an ACE bandage, a couple of cravat `Triangle’ bandage (sling & swath), sterile 4x4 gauze pads, paper tape, Band-Aids, antibiotic cream and several absorbent feminine pads (they make excellent trauma dressings). 


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On the opposite side, I’ve got an `ambu’ bag-mask resuscitator along with a selection of adult and child airways, a foam C-Collar, a B/P cuff, stethoscope, flashlight, and some ammonia caps – hidden away where you can’t see them are bandage shears, tweezers, and a magnifying glass, along with a spare pair of reading glasses.


There is also a penlight, a felt tipped pen, and a note pad.

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Under the front `cover’ flap, I keep some basic OTC medicines, including aspirin, acetaminophen, some hand antiseptic, and a bulb syringe (can be used for minor suctioning). 

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Under the flap on the other side, I’ve got surgical & N95 masks, exam gloves, and a `space’ blanket.

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Of course, having a kit isn’t enough.  You need to know how to use it.  


And for that, you need first aid training.  If you haven’t already taken a course, contact your local Red Cross chapter, and find out what is available in your area.   And don’t forget the CPR training (or recertification!) as well.


My home first aid kit (below), is far more complete.  I can assure you that both kits have come in handy a number of times over the years.   



Whether you buy a ready-made kit, or make your own, now is the right time to make sure you are fully equipped to deal with a medical emergency.

For more information go to:





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