A Light Blogging Schedule Ahead




Later today I’ll be on the road to St. Augustine for a few days of R&R on the beach.  While I’ll have my laptop with me, I expect my blogging efforts will be limited until I return on Sunday.


In the meantime, Crof at Crofsblog, Arkanoid Legent, and Chen Qi all do a terrific job of covering breaking infectious disease news, as do the newshounds on FluTrackers and the Flu Wiki.


At the end of each weekday, you should definitely visit CIDRAP for a wrap up of the day’s news and feature articles.


For public safety and homeland security news, you can’t go wrong with John Solomon’s blog, or the Break Glass blog by Jimmie Jazz.


For MRSA and other antibiotic resistance news stories, Maryn McKenna is your number 1 resource. 


If Scott McPherson, Ian York , or Vincent Racaniello  post  (check my sidebar), you’ll want to read those as well.


And of course, if you are on Twitter, you ought to be following:


If your tastes are somewhat more eclectic, I would heartily recommend David Dobbs for your edification and reading pleasure, and while you are at it, check out the new hang out for science bloggers Scientopia!


With all this going on, I’m sure I’ll scarcely be missed.


But if you’ve a hankering for more, and haven’t already read them, a few of my older essays may be of interest.


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