ACCV Teleconference Today



# 4767



With the fall flu vaccination campaign slated to begin less than 2 months from now, the ACCV (Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines) will hold a teleconference this afternoon to review the CDC's draft statements for the upcoming flu season.


Interested parties may listen in, or make a public comment at the end of the meeting. 


This notice appears on the right hand news column of the HRSA Vaccine Compensation Website.



Interim Influenza Vaccine Information Statements Special Meeting

Thursday July 29, 1 to 2 pm ET

The Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines will review the CDC's draft statements slated for distribution during the 2010-2011 flu season. The conference call meeting is open to the public. Persons who wish to make oral statements may announce their intent at the time of the public comment period.

To join, phone 1-888-606-5950.
Leader’s Name: Dr. Geoffrey Evans
Password: ACCV

Meeting Agenda (PDF - 10 KB)

Federal Register (PDF - 57 KB)

Inactivated Influenza Vaccine: What You Need to Know 2010 – 2011 (PDF - 33 KB)

Live, Intranasal Influenza Vaccine: What You Need to Know 2010 – 2011 (PDF - 36 KB)

VICP Authorizing Legislation (PDF - 497 KB) (January 13, 2010)

Review of Adverse Effects of Vaccines Committee Membership Comment on provisional appointments by April 9

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