When Oil and Water Do Mix



# 4610



I’ve seen a good deal of speculation in recent days about the impact that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico may have on Hurricane season (and vice versa), and so I thought I’d post this two page guide produced by NOAA on the likely effects.


It seems highly unlikely to most experts that the oil spill will affect hurricane development this year.  


Less certain are the effects that gulf storms will have on the oil spill itself.  


They may help mix and `weather’ the oil, increasing the rate of biodegradation. But the winds (and surge tide) could also spread the oil further inland, particularly into the marsh and swamplands, complicating cleanup.


My thanks and a hat tip to FEMA Director Craig Fugate for tweeting this information on Twitter. Follow Craig at CraigatFEMA and of course, FEMAinfocus  for the latest disaster updates.




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