Referral: Risk Communication and Disasters


# 4608



DemFromCt, writing on the Daily Kos, has a lengthy and important post on Risk Communications, and the way that has been playing out with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. 


Included are extensive remarks by risk communications experts Peter Sandman and Jody Lanard.  This is a long (6000+ words) essay, but well worth taking the time to absorb.


Highly recommended.



Risk communication and disasters: just tell the truth

by DemFromCT



Dr. Peter Sandman is an internationally recognized expert on effective crisis communications, and he along with his wife and colleague  Dr. Jody Lanard produce a wealth of invaluable risk management advice on their website:


Peter Sandman Website logo


I’ve highlighted their work on numerous occasions, including:

Peter Sandman: Swine Flu For Grownups
Experts: `Mild’ Is A Misleading Term For This Pandemic
Peter Sandman On Pandemic Risk Communication

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