Dengue Resurfaces In Key West


# 4414



A story which I’ve mentioned on several occasions over the past few months revolved around the return of Dengue Fever to Florida last summer after an absence of 50 years.  A couple of those blogs include:


The Threat Of Vector Borne Diseases
It Isn’t Just Swine Flu


Dengue fever is a mosquito borne illness – sometimes called `breakbone fever’ – and has been on the rise around the world for the past 40 years.  Dengue is caused by one of four different related viruses, and there is currently no vaccine available.


While most people recover from Dengue fever, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) - a more severe form of dengue infection - can be fatal if not properly treated.  Even in its `mild form’, this is something you really don’t want to get.


The CDC maintains an extensive Dengue Information page.


Despite attempts to eradicate the mosquito hosts of Dengue in Key West over the winter, another new case has emerged.   Public health officials acknowledge that once dengue gets established in an area, it can be extremely difficult to eliminate.


This (hat tip Treyfish on FluTrackers) story from


Denge fever reappears in Key West

Posted - Wednesday, April 21, 2010 10:57 AM EDT

With the first case of the mosquito-borne illness dengue fever reported in the Keys since mid-October, Monroe County health officials are warning Key West residents to take precautions.


The most recent case, reported in a 41-year-old member of the U.S. Navy, was confirmed through lab tests in Miami after the man initially sought treatment from military doctors on April 6.


Officials believe the case was contracted locally, as the man reported no out-of-country travel in the past year.


Naval Air Station Key West spokesman Jim Brooks confirmed that the man, whom officials didn't identify, lived in base housing in Key West and that "areas where he lived and worked have been tested and sprayed."


"What we're going to do right now," Monroe County Health Department spokesman Chris Tittel said, "is continue that push of the public health message that people need to be aware on a very personal level of how to deal with mosquitoes."


That includes dumping standing water around homes, screening doors and windows, using air-conditioning whenever possible and regularly wearing DEET or other repellants.


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