Egyptian Media: Bird Flu Cases #101 & #102



# 4365


Twenty-four hours ago the newshounds on FluTrackers began seeing hints that there might be a couple of new H5N1 cases in Egypt, but the information in the Arabic press was scant, ambiguous, and difficult to interpret.  


Today, Twall (who resides in Egypt) posted this article from the Egyptian Press on what is reported to be their 101st and 102nd H5N1 cases – or #11 and #12 for the year.



Ministry of Health: two cases of two new bird flu .. And total 102 cases

2/19/2010 10:35:00 PM

Masrawy - Special - The Ministry of Health in a statement on Friday it had found two cases of bird flu, bringing the total casualties since the disease appeared in Egypt to 102 cases.


The ministry said in a statement that the situation of 101 young people from Kafr El-Sheikh at the age of 13 years, and the situation of a woman of 102 from 30-year-old Glynn County from the city of Kafr el-Sheikh.


Egyptian families are still in rural areas retain the custom of raising poultry at home, leading to mixing for children and women, the Government is making strenuous efforts to contain the deadly virus and limit its spread, and calls through the media to avoid mixing with any final birds only after measures precautions.


The Ministry of Health announced earlier in the death of infected with bird flu-old woman 29 years of Monofia, and the Fever Hospital Shebin Following the failure in the functions of breathing.


This situation is the case of human infection by the disease No. 99, bringing the total number of deaths in Egypt, 30 cases of the onset of the disease in 2006 so far, and this case is the third event of the death in 2010


The `kicker’ here is that the location of the cases announced today don’t match the cases we heard about yesterday (Menoufia). Whether that indicates an error in yesterday’s report, or that something else might be `in the pipeline’ is really impossible to tell. 


Rest assured the newshounds are keeping a close watch.


As it is, the number reported H5N1 cases in Egypt is running at more than twice the rate we saw this time last year, and unlike the winter of 2009, most of this year’s cases involve adults.



Sharon Sanders of FluTrackers maintains an ongoing, and continually updated list of Egyptian H5N1 cases.    You can follow the linked case numbers back to the original reports.


FluTrackers Egyptian H5N1 List 2010 -

91 - 20 years old, female, onset date - January 6, 2010 - Beni Suef governate

# 92 - 1 year old, male, onset date - January 7, 2010 - Dakahalya governorate

# 93 - 3 years old, male, onset date - January 19, 2010 - Assuit governorate

# 94 - 45 years old, male, onset date - January 12, 2010 - Shargea governorate

# 95 - 40 years old, female, onset date - January 31, 2010 - Qalyubia Governorate

# 96 - 29 years old, female, onset date - January 27, 2010 - Menoufiya Governorate Death

# 97 - 37 years old, male, onset date - February 6, 2010 - Helwan governate Death

# 98 - 32 years old, male, onset date - February 6, 2010 - Menofiya Governorate

# 99 - 29 years old, female, onset date - February 6, 2010 - Menoufiya governorate Death

#100 - unknown, Dakahlia governorate

#101 - 13 years old,Kafr El-Sheikh governate

#102 - 30 years old, female, Kafr El-Sheikh governate

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