# 4246
In this age of full disclosure, I must admit that fellow Floridian and Blogger Scott McPherson is a buddy of mine. And while I wouldn’t want him to hear about it, I would also secretly admit that I enjoy his writing style immensely.
But Scott is also a thinker, and he has access to other thinkers in the world of influenza. And so cloaked within his whimsical prose you will often find nuggets of insight.
Again, don’t tell him I said so.
Today, after too long an absence, Scott returns with a blog that parlays Mr. Potatohead, the spread of H1N1 though the hinterlands of rural China, and the eventual evolution of the virus.
I won’t spoil it by saying more. Except, Welcome Back Scott.
Swine flu pandemic over? Far from over.
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