HHS To Review Vaccine & Public Health Response Policies


# 4106


While a great many things have gone right with the Federal response to the H1N1 pandemic outbreak, the slow production and distribution of vaccines has highlighted a major shortcoming in our response mechanisms.


I can assure you that the fact that we got `lucky’ this time - with only a moderate H1N1 virus to deal with, as opposed to something considerably nastier - is not lost on our public health officials.

They know things could have been much worse. 


And next time, they might well be.


The Secretary of the HHS, Kathleen Sebelius, has ordered a major review of vaccine production and other public health policies so that changes can be made before the next public health crisis.

This report by Rob Stein of the Washington Post.



HHS to review policies for developing new vaccines

Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 1, 2009; 9:42 AM

A top Obama administration official, citing the problems with the swine flu vaccination campaign, announced plans Tuesday for a major review of the federal government's policies for developing new vaccines and other public health defenses.


Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she had ordered the review because the swine flu vaccine shortage had highlighted the nation's dependence on antiquated technology.


"Under the review I've announced today, we'll look for the fastest ways to move to new technologies that will let us quickly produce countermeasures that are more dependable and more robust," Sebelius said in prepared remarks to the American Medical Association's Third National Congress on Health System Readiness, which is being held in Washington. "Not just for flu and not just for infectious diseases, but for all the public health threats we face today."


The review will be led by Nicole Lurie, the assistant secretary for preparedness and response, and will be complete by "early next year," Sebelius said.

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