Moderated Comments




While I hate to do this, I’ve had to set all comments to this blog on moderated status . . . at least for the time being.   


Spammers are hitting with regularity, posting links to everything from off-shore pharmaceutical suppliers to pornography. I’ve also had some of the paranoid rumor-monger set posting wild stories about what is going on in the Ukraine.  


Up until now, I’ve allowed `real-time’ commenting for posts newer than 24 hours old.   Sadly, that policy is now on hold.   If you make a comment, it will have to sit until I can get around to approving it. 


If you are a spammer, or a `drive-by’ linker who simply says `Nice Blog’  (or something else equally inane) with a link to your site, or if you post unsubstantiated rumors, political diatribes, or anti-vaccine rhetoric . . . expect your post to end up in the bit bucket.  


That is, Deleted.  


To my regular commenters, and to anyone who may have worthwhile comments to make, my sincere apologies for the hassles.  

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