Report: H5N1 Kills Wild Birds In Mongolia


# 3616




Arkhangai Province, Mongolia.


This report via ProMed-Mail is of a translated news article appearing in Xinhua News, regarding the die off of a number of wild birds earlier this month in Mongolia due to the H5N1 virus.


These sorts of bird die offs, which we hear of occasionally, are a reminder that the avian influenza virus continues to circulate in the wild.




Date: Tue 11 Aug 2009
Xinhua News Agency
[in Chinese, trans. & summ.Rappt.DS, edited]


An official with Mongolia's Emergency Situations Ministry has confirmed to Xinhua on 11 Aug 2009 that avian influenza recently occurred in Arkhangai Province.


Mongolian disease control and prevention agencies found 56 dead swans, wild geese, and other kinds of birds in the area around Shelechagan [transliteration] Lake in Tsetserleg District of Arkhangai Province and after testing samples, confirmed that the birds had died of avian influenza  virus. For the moment, it has been confirmed that the virus is H5 subtype.


[byline: A Sigang]


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