HHS Webcast Today


# 3649



This notice for a webcast later today went up on the flu.gov site last night.



Know What to Do About the Flu Webcast

Join us 1-2 p.m. EDT on Thursday, August 20, for a Webcast discussion on new federal business and employer guidance. The new guidance encourages employers to plan now for the 2009 H1N1 influenza this fall in order to minimize economic impacts and protect employees’ health. Leading the discussion about the guidance and what it means for businesses will be:

  • Dr. Toby Merlin, CDC
  • Dr. Tilman Jolly, Homeland Security
  • Travis Sullivan, Department of Commerce
  • Ann Beauchesne, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

The Webcast can be viewed on www.flu.gov. Join the discussion by sending questions and comments to hhsstudio@hhs.gov.

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