Canada Urges People To Find `Flu Buddies’


# 3602



It’s an idea I’ve been promoting in these pages for a couple of years, and one that has been urged in the UK for some time now.  


Everyone needs to either have, or be, a `flu buddy’.   And preferably, we should all have more than one.


You’ll find my essay on how to be a flu buddy in my sidebar.  Just click on this image:


Today, Canadian Health Authorities are urging Canadians to find, or be a flu buddy.




Canadians urged to identify a 'flu buddy'


Pair up to help 'vulnerable' during pandemic


By Sharon Kirkey, Canwest News ServiceAugust 8, 2009 8:24 AM

Canada's public health agency is urging Canadians to identify a "flu buddy" willing to help care for them should they get sick with human swine flu this fall.


The Public Health Agency of Canada told Canwest News Service that Canadians should "talk with family, friends and neighbours and figure out how you might help each other during the H1N1 pandemic."


"Identify elderly or vulnerable relatives, friends and neighbours who may need your help," the agency said.


"During a pandemic outbreak, keep an eye on these people, especially those living alone and phone them if you suspect they might be ill."


Officials said the department will launch the next phase of its "Citizen Readiness Campaign" this fall with a major public information campaign that will focus on family preparedness plans, immunization and keeping stockpiles of prescription medication, non-perishable food and water.


According to Statistics Canada, there were about 2,018,000 single or lone-parent families in Canada in 2007. In 2006, 3,327,050 people were living alone.

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