2nd Egyptian Bird Flu Case Announced Today


# 3684




On the same day that we learned of Egypt’s 84th H5N1 `bird’ flu infection, we now are getting word of their 85th case – this time a 14 year-old girl from Damietta.  


Once again, it is Dutchy (@Dutchy123 on Twitter) posting on Flutrackers that brings us this translation from the Arabic.


This is the 34th human infection of the year out of Egypt, which is a considerable jump from the total of only 8 cases reported in that country in all of 2008.    Although the rate of infections has slowed during the summer months, unusually, we are still seeing cases in August.

The H5N1 virus is endemic in Egypt’s poultry, and over the past 3 years more than 1,000 bird culls have been reported by authorities.




85 of human infection with bird flu and a high incidence of swine flu virus
Health 29/08/2009

Cairo - 29 - 8 (KUNA) - Egyptian health authorities announced today the No. 85 of human infection from bird flu since the disease appeared in Egypt until now.


The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Public Health for preventive Dr. Amr Kandil told reporters that the new infection is a girl 14 years old from the village of Damietta (North Delta) as a result of coming into contact with infected domestic birds.


He pointed out that after the onset of symptoms and high temperature, cold and cough has been reserved girl in the hospital and give it proper treatment of the drug "Tamiflu", stressing that their health was good and stable.


The bird flu has appeared in Egypt in February 2006 and resulted in the deaths of 27 cases.


On the other hand revealed Spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Dr. Abdel-Rahman Shahin said the emergence of 13 new cases of HIV (HIV 1 that 1) is known internationally as the swine flu, bringing the total cases since the disease appeared in Egypt last June and so far 716 cases.


He said in a press statement released here today that among the cases, 12 cases of Egyptians, including two cases coming from Saudi Arabia and the state coming from Libya and 8 cases associated with infectious positive cases detected by the case not linked epidemiologically.


And the Shaheen, said that cases of recovery amounted to 579 and the status of the case and one death and the rest of the cases are receiving treatment in hospitals and their conditions are all stable and healthy new ones.

source: kuna.net

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