UK: Swine Flu Clinical Assessment Packages


# 3471



Although obviously designed for use by health care professionals in the UK, the following set of guidance documents released by the DoH (Department of Health) will probably be of interest to health care providers of all types around the world.



Swine flu clinical package

  • Document type: Guidance

  • Author: Department of Health

  • Published date: 16 June 2009

  • Publication format: Electronic only

  • Gateway reference: 11843

  • Copyright holder: Crown

The swine flu clinical package is a set of tools for use in a pandemic situation by frontline healthcare professionals.


The tools have been designed to be used during the phase of a pandemic when there is increased demand for clinical care.


Further information on when these tools should be deployed will be given nearer that time.


The tools are designed to support and empower GPs, community nurses, midwives, health visitors, ambulance crews, emergency department doctors, nurses and those working outside their usual specialty area (e.g. junior doctors or surgeons working in influenza cohort wards).


The package will assist these health care professionals to assess patients, authorise antivirals, refer those with severe illness or complications, and guide treatment of patients in hospital.


These tools will help with the face-to-face application of the guidance Pandemic flu: managing demand and capacity in health care organisations (surge). It is therefore recommended that both documents are read in conjunction with each other.




Sample screenshot


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