The Bird Flu Beat Goes On



# 3447



While the world’s attention has been diverted from bird flu by the novel H1N1 pandemic,  H5N1 continues to spread in a number of countries around the world, and occasionally infects humans.


Ida at the Bird Flu Information Corner – which is a  joint venture between Kobe University in Japan and the Institute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University, Indonesia - continues to monitor the situation in Indonesia as do many newshounds on the flu forums.


The Indonesian government hasn’t offered any updates on human infections for the year 2009, and so the `official’ toll for the year stands at zero.  Not that anyone believes that, of course.


News reports over the past six months have delivered at least a couple of dozen accounts of strongly suspected (and often locally confirmed) human H5N1 infections and deaths.  


The point is, the H5N1 virus is still out there, it is still capable of jumping species to humans, and it remains a pandemic threat.  The emergence of H1N1 doesn’t eliminate the possibility of seeing a bird flu pandemic.


We would do well not to turn our back on it.


This morning, from the BFIC and one of our intrepid newshounds, a handful of reports.   These, like just about all media reports out of Indonesia, reflect suspected cases.



Lampung ::: Hospital treats bird flu suspect boy

July 6, 2009

Bandar Lampung – Abdul Muluk Hospital, Bandar Lampung treats bird flu and swine flu suspect patients. The bird flu suspect patient, Nurman (15) was admitted to the isolation unit today (6/7).

Pad Dilangga, Vice Director of Abdul Muluk Hospital, said that those patients were placed in separated room. This decision was made because the hospital, which is belonging to Lampung province government, does not have special installation for swine flu patient. For temporary, he added, both patients are treated by the hospital’s bird flu control team.


Nurman, a resident of Desa Jati Mulyo, South Lampung rushed to the hospital after developing high fever, cough, and cold for three days. Patient’s parent, Slamet, mentioned that hundreds of chicken found suddenly died around their neighborhood before.”He had fever after consumed chicken meat,” added Slamet.


Nurman currently shows fever up to 37.5℃, breathing difficulty and cough. Previously, he was treated at public health center, Jati Mulyo, and then referred to Abdul Muluk Hospital. Hospital has treated the patient with Tamiflu.



Aceh ::: Bird flu suspect

July 5, 2009

Kuala Simpang – Yudi Anggara (14), a resident of Kampung Alur Nunang, Kecamatan Banda Mulia, Aceh Tamiang, is suspected to contract bird flu virus. Victim has contact history with dead chicken, when he disposed dead chickens into a river nearby his house.


Currently, victim is being treated in Adam Malik hospital, Medan, South Sumatera. Until now, victim has not recovered yet, and he is prohibited to return to his village before test result issued by Jakarta laboratory.


Health service staff, dr Zuheini said that victim had fever after disposing dead chickens belong to his family. The chickens were found suddenly died with bluish appearance.


Victim was then rushed to local public health center, and from then was referred to Tamiang regional hospital. Furthermore, Agriculture Service officers have done further test to the dead chickens done, and showed positive bird flu infection.


Because Tamiang regional hospital did not have equipment to confirm the cause of disease, victim was then referred to Adam Malik hospital, Medan, for treatment and further examination.



And from Treyfish, one of the hard working newshounds that posts at Pandemic Information News and on Flutrackers, we get this report:


Tuesday, July 07, 2009, 12:49:00
Patient suspect Avian Flu Died

Padang, Padek - bird flu threat still lurk Sumbar. A patient suspect HIN5 virus, origin Sungaibuluh, District Dharmasraya died.  Victim is known berinisial RK, 7.5, dies after treatment for five hours in space Isolation Irna C RSUP In Diseases Dr M Djamil Padang, Saturday (4 / 7).


The more surprising, a day after RK buried, a nurse in the room RK isolation experienced suspect bird flu. Nurses berinisial M is now in the middle of treatment room isolation Irna C RSUP In Diseases Dr M Djamil Padang. He showed symptoms of bird flu suspect.


"RK has been critical condition when entering RSUP Dr M Djamil Padang, Saturday (6 / 7), pukul 05.00 WIB. Only one five hours later, the patient died at around 10:00 WIB, "said Director General RSUP M Djamil Padang Aguswan, accompanied the Head of room Irna C Diseases In Emi Erawati to Padang Ekspres in space work, yesterday.


RK was undergoing treatment in hospitals Adnaan WD Payakumbuh, since Monday (29 / 6), the chance of being on holiday at her grandmother's house. After that, the RK and then taken to the hospital Yos Sudarso Padang. "From the results of the rays lungs, showed symptoms of bird flu. Patient's body temperature reached 37.5 centigrade accompanied by shortness of breath, "said Aguswan.


When referred to Dr M Djamil RSUP, the condition of the patient is not comfortable with the tool sadarkan bantu oxygen. Until now, Dr M Djamil RSUP Padang can not ensure whether the RK-positive bird flu or not.


"We are still awaiting results of the examination throat swab and a blood test sent to RK Labor MOH RI," said Aguswan. Since 2006, Dr M Djamil RSUP handle the nine patients suspect bird flu from a number of areas in Sumatra, such as Padangpariaman, Limapuluh City, Agam and Dharmasraya. Previously, a patient suspect bird flu died years ago in 2007. (nia)



We may never learn if any of these, and many of the other media reported cases, were truly caused by the H5N1 virus. 


The information void out of Indonesia has been going on for several years now, and may not improve anytime soon.


What is important to know is that cases continue to show up, bird flu hasn’t gone away, and there are a number of hard working volunteers working every day on blog sites and flu forums around the world that are monitoring the situation.

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