Swine Flu Malware


# 3520



There’s more than one way to get infected during this pandemic, and even your computer isn’t safe.


According to this report from The Register, a trojan (malware) executable – posing as a Word Document, which purports to come from the CDC – has been discovered being forwarded via email.


The file, called -  Novel H1N1 Flu Situation Update.exe – even comes with an icon that makes it look like a word doc.  The giveaway is the extension -  .exe, which sharp eyed and savvy computer users would know better than to open. 

But if you missed that subtle clue, it would be all too easy to infect your computer. 


This alert from from the net security firm F-Secure.



Swine flu malware poses as pig plague update

By John Leyden

Wrongdoers have created a new strain of swine flu-themed malware.


A Trojan, containing backdoor and keylogger functionality, poses as a Word document from the US Centre of Disease Control giving information about the disease.


The infectious file - Novel H1N1 Flu Situation Update.exe - appears with an icon that makes it look like a Word document file. Users tempted to open the booby-trapped file are presented with a document.


Meanwhile the malicious code does its mischief in the background, as explained in a write-up (containing screenshots) by net security firm F-Secure here. F-Secure classifies the Trojan as Agent-AVZQ.


(Screenshot of malware posing as a .doc file)

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