Report: 10% Of Fatalities In Argentina Are HCWs



# 3510



A very sobering report, if true.   


While we did see very high rates of infections among HCWs (Health Care Workers) with SARS,  this number is a bit surprising.


But I would caution, this is the first time I’ve seen this reported,  and that this story is apparently based on the comments made by an MP who was referencing a Ministry of Health Report. 

The number of HCW killed isn’t provided in this report, and so it is hard to know if this percentage applies across the entire country, or just some segment of Argentina.


And to make matters even less clear, what we have here is a Google translation from the original Spanish Text.


But here, for what it’s worth, is the translation.  A hat tip goes to Average Concerned Mom on the Flu Wiki for posting this link.



10% of the deceased are doctors and nurses


 Saturday July 18 2009 23:24 |

BUENOS AIRES .- At least 10% of those killed by influenza A (H1N1) are health professionals. This figure was reported yesterday by an MP who claimed the national Ministry of Health a report on the status of doctors and nurses who are working to combat the epidemic.



"The sector of health workers is one of the most affected by the health emergency that we are experiencing," said the parliament of the Civic Coalition, Virginia Linares.


The order is based on the fact that these workers make up a group at high risk because patients infected caregivers.  The deputy, who belongs to the sector Stolbizer Margarita, said that at least 10% of doctors and nurses were killed, thousands of workers showed symptoms and a half hundred is in critical condition with a picture of pneumonia and influenza A.

The deputy, a native of Bahia Blanca, he added, inter alia, that the health emergency highlighted the precarious in that there are many health care workers.  "We must be clear, well-trained workers in pay and decent working situations are the key to confronting a health crisis of this magnitude we live," said Linares. (NA) 

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