Referral: Effect Measure On Transmission, Pathogenicity, Virulence and Vaccines




One of the challenges to blogging about science is that it requires at least some common understanding of terms before you can progress to theories and findings.  


The Reveres at Effect Measure do as good of job of explaining the terms, and theories, behind epidemiology as anyone on the net. Much of what I know about the science behind influenza, I learned from their blog.


Yesterday and today, they have crafted a detailed look some of the important epidemiological terms, and how the efficacy of vaccines is determined.


While not exactly `light’ reading, the Reveres take a difficult subject and make it understandable, even to me.  

Highly recommended.



Transmission, pathogenicity, virulence and vaccines, I.


Transmission, pathogenicity, virulence and vaccines, part II.

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