Referral: Effect Measure on The Kawaoka Study



# 3486



One of the nice things about not having a PhD after my name is that I get to take a pass when it comes to critiquing scientific research studies, and nobody is surprised.  


I often relay the reports, of course, and sometimes even try to explain (in layman’s terms) highlights of the study. 


But anything beyond that is above my pay grade.


Luckily there are bloggers far more qualified than I to weigh in on these issues, and one of the best qualified are the Revere’s at Effect Measure. 


Today (one of) the Revere’s offers his insights on yesterday’s much publicized report on animal studies conducted by a team led by Yoshihiro Kawaoka on the pathogenesis of the Swine flu virus in lab animals.


Swine flu : yet another paper testing in animals and a look out the window


A highly recommended reality check.

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