Japan Finds Tamiflu Resistant Case Of H1N1



# 2427


A second case of Tamiflu resistant H1N1- this time from Japan – has made the news.  On Monday,the media reported the first known case – in Denmark.


What is a bit surprising is that this case occurred sometime in May, and we are just now learning about it.


For more on Tamiflu resistant flu strains, and why this isn’t exactly a surprise, I’d invite you to check out the Revere’s post on Effect Measure entitled : Swine flu and Tamiflu resistance


A hat tip goes to yielddude on Flutrackers for this link.




Japan finds first case of H1N1 resistant to Tamiflu

Thu Jul 2, 2009 11:19am EDT

TOKYO, July 2 (Reuters) - Japan has confirmed its first case of a genetic mutation of the new H1N1 influenza that shows resistance to antiviral drug Tamiflu, a health ministry official said on Thursday.


Takeshi Enami, an official at the health ministry, said that the patient's sensitivity to Tamiflu had yet to be tested.


The patient, who was confirmed in May with the H1N1 strain of the flu in the Osaka prefecture of western Japan, has recovered since then and that no cases of the new flu have been confirmed around the patient, Enami said.


He could not confirm the age or the sex of the patient. (Reporting by Yoko Kubota; Editing by Alex Richardson)

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