CDC’s Q&A On Pandemic Vaccines


# 3528



While some other countries continue to promise a fast-tracked vaccine for this fall, the CDC (to their credit) has resisted making promises.  


Despite this, I do see media reports in this country occasionally `filling in the blanks’ and making vaccine `assumptions’. 


So, to bring us up to date, I’ve reproduced the latest vaccine information from the CDC.  As you will see, the CDC makes no promises on how much vaccine will be available, when it will be available, or a final determination on who will get the first priority to received the vaccination.


   A hat tip to DemFromCt  on the Flu Wiki for posting this link.



Novel H1N1 Influenza Vaccine

July 20, 2009 2:15 PM ET

Q. What are the plans for developing novel H1N1 vaccine?

A. Vaccines are the most powerful public health tool for control of influenza, and the U.S. government is working closely with manufacturers to take steps in the process to manufacture a novel H1N1 vaccine. Working together with scientists in the public and private sector, CDC has isolated the new H1N1 virus and modified the virus so that it can be used to make hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine. Vaccine manufacturers are now using these materials to begin vaccine production. Making vaccine is a multi-step process which takes several months to complete.  Candidate vaccines will be tested in clinical trials over the few months. 


Q. When is it expected that the novel H1N1 vaccine will be available?

A. The novel H1N1 vaccine is expected to be available in the fall. More specific dates cannot be provided at this time as vaccine availability depends on several factors including manufacturing time and time needed to conduct clinical trials

Q. Will the seasonal flu vaccine also protect against the novel H1N1 flu?

A. The seasonal flu vaccine is not expected to protect against the novel H1N1 flu.

Q. Can the seasonal vaccine and the novel H1N1 vaccine be given at the same time?

A. Clinical trial results will be necessary to confirm that novel H1N1 and seasonal vaccine will be safe and effective if given at the same time. We expect the seasonal vaccine to be available earlier than the H1N1 vaccine. The usual seasonal influenza viruses are still expected to cause illness this fall and winter. Individuals are encouraged to get their seasonal flu vaccine as soon as it is available.

Q. Who will be recommended as priority groups to receive the novel H1N1 vaccine?

A. Based on what we're currently seeing with respect to the virus and epidemiologic data, states, communities, and health care providers should begin planning strategies for how they will vaccinate younger people (children and younger adults), pregnant women, healthcare personnel, and people who have underlying health conditions. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and other federal advisory bodies will continue to monitor the virus and review epidemiologic data over the summer. We'll be looking to the ACIP and other stakeholders, as well as the public, as we move forward in our planning. It is possible that vaccine priority groups will differ from earlier guidance as more data becomes available however it's very important for planning to continue based on information currently available.

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