TFAH: Lessons From The Frontlines



# 3288



TFAH, or the Trust For America’s Health, is a non-profit organization that audits and reports on public health issues in the United States.   I’ve highlighted a number of their previous reports, including:




Shortchanging America's Health 2009

March 2009
Shortchanging America's Health 2009
A State-By-State Look at How Federal Public Health Dollars are Spent

Ready or Not? 2008

December 2008
Ready or Not? 2008
Protecting the Public's Health from Disease, Disasters, and Bioterrorism

Germs Go Global

October 2008
Germs Go Global
Why Emerging Infectious Diseases Are a Threat to America

Blueprint for a Healthier America

October 2008
Blueprint for a Healthier America
Modernizing the Federal Public Health System to Focus on Prevention and Preparedness


Today TFAH has released a preliminary report on the initial response to the H1N1 outbreak.  


It finds that some things went very well, thanks to several years of pandemic planning, but also identifies some weak spots as well.





June 2009
Pandemic Flu: Lessons From the Frontlines
Trust for America's Health (TFAH), the Center for Biosecurity, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) analyze the initial response to the H1N1 outbreak, Pandemic Flu: Lessons From the Frontlines, which found that U.S. officials executed strong coordination and communication and an ability to adapt to changing circumstances, but it also how quickly the nation's core public health capacity would be overwhelmed if an outbreak were more severe or widespread.


Complete Report (264K .pdf)

Press Release: New Report Finds 10 Early Lessons Learned from the H1N1 Outbreak (6.4.09)


"It's Not Flu As Usual" Brochures for:

Individuals and Families
Health Care Professionals
Faith-Based and Community Organizations

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