Maricopa Country Reports A/H1N1 Fatality


# 3190



Sad news out of Phoenix, Arizona where the Maricopa County Health Department has announced the nation’s 4th fatality stemming from the H1N1 virus.  


The victim was a woman, with a pre-existing lung condition, in her 40’s.



First swine flu death recorded in Maricopa County


03:30 PM Mountain Standard Time on Thursday, May 14, 2009



PHOENIX - The first death related to the H1N1 swine flu has been reported in Maricopa County.


According to the health department a woman in her late 40s with a underlying lung condition died last week from complications of the flu.


This is the fourth person with the flu strain in the nation to die.


“Unfortunately, we knew this was coming. Flu is serious, especially for those with underlying health conditions,” said Dr. Bob England, director of Maricopa Department of Public Health. “However, I need to emphasize that this death does not change our course of action here in Maricopa County.”


“The only way we get through any infectious disease is by working together - keep our kids home when they are sick, stay home from work when we are sick, cover our coughs and keep our hands washed. Sounds simple, but for some of us, these small actions can make all the difference.”


According to the health department, people with existing health conditions are at greater risk of serious health effects from influenza.


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